Use History Study Time for Building Talent

Historical Poem Example for History Study of Napoleonic era if Poetry is the chosen talent to develop

Make your standard history study time serve hours of building up your child’s chosen talent focus:

  1. If music is talent focus, then study composers of the Napoleonic era
  2. If chemistry is talent focus, then study scientific theories of the Napoleonic era
  3. If poetry is talent focus, then study children songs and poems of the Napoleonic era

Do NOT just go through the motions memorizing the standard historical timeline without connecting it to the historical roots of your child’s talent.

Education Consumes But Talent Creates

Find a Talent to Develop

Education consumes, but talent creates.

If you can find a talent to develop, then your education will have a worthy master to serve. If the pursuit of education is your only goal, then all hope of talent will be lost. Start today by building your first 100 hours of deliberate talent practice. There will be 9,900 hours more to master.

Talent Statement Grows Over Time

Babysitting Jobs Can be Leveraged to Bigger Things

Possible scenario of a Talent Statement that changes and grows over time because the opportunities grew as the child developed her talent:

(age 13 – First 100 hours of talent building) I will photograph children that I babysit. I will share those pictures in a digital scrapbook for the parents with notes and comments about their children. I will use my blogging and basic HTML skills to do it.

(age 15 – at 1,000 hours)  I will photograph landscapes and the children that I babysit while traveling with their families on short weekend getaways. I will blog about nannying children on short getaways. I will give tips on the blog about how to use digital photography and how to be a traveling nanny.

(age 16 – at 3,000 hours) I will vlog about how to travel with children while accompanying families as a nanny on extended vacations or business trips in foreign countries. I will create and sell e-guides for educational games that tutor children of wealthy traveling parents.


Use Your Environment to Start Talent Building

Use Local Resources to Increase Talent

Start building a talent focus for your child by using the environment you are in. This means use the tools, assets, personal connections, and geography that you have on hand rather than waiting for tools or time you can’t afford today. Create a Talent Statement that will focus your child to act on his first 100 hours of talent building. At the end of the 100 hours, modify the Talent Statement to reflect your child’s increasing skill set and newly discovered opportunities.  Keep modifying and refocusing the talent as you uncover your child’s growing potential.

Humble Talent Start is Good for Discovery

Take Time to Discover Talent Thread

When you help your child start a journey of 10,000 hours of talent building, it can feel in the beginning like you are riding a bicycle on the backroads, when you would rather be driving on a highway with a big, fast SUV. It feels like that because the beginning is in fact humble and slow. But humble and slow in the beginning stages of building talent gives you time to discover which part of the talent thread you want your child to pursue with bigger, more expensive tools. Don’t over-invest in the big, wrong tool that can get you fast to where you want to go. Stock-pile your energy and money to make bolder investments once your confidence has grown that you are on the right talent track.